1.8.3 - 2020-04-28
Warning: This update modifies how information is stored in Elasticsearch for text based searching. To take advantage
of these changes a reindex of Elasticsearch is required. This can be started by an admin either from GUI or through the API.
- Elasticsearch indexer will now store new metadata fields as strings to avoid unexpected behavior on date fields.
- When reindexing use a temporary index to reindex while the current one is in use then swap.
- Ability to delete tags from sections and files on the file page.
- User-owned resources will now appear in search results regardless of space permissions.
- Updating space ownership for datasets and collections will correctly reindex those resources for searches.
- Missing index in statistics which would slow down system when inserting download/views.
- GitHub Actions to compile and test the code base, create documentation and docker images.
- Code of Conduct as MD file (will be displayed by GitHub).
- Templates for Bug, Feature and Pull Request on GitHub.